by Shelly Malone | Dec 30, 2014 | Autoimmune Disease, Food Sensitivities, GMOs/Pesticides, Healthy Fats, Microbiome/Gut Issues, Weight Loss
I’ve learned (the hard way) that when I find myself up against a brick wall time and again, I’ll get to where I’m going faster if I stop pushing against what won’t move, and instead turn around and find a new path. We’ve all been there, right? Closing our eyes and...
by Shelly Malone | Dec 13, 2014 | Autoimmune Disease, Food Sensitivities, Inflammation, Microbiome/Gut Issues
I remember sitting on my couch Googling “rheumatoid arthritis” the day my blood work confirmed my diagnosis. The first statistic that came racing to my eye was from a Johns Hopkins study, “sixty percent of people with rheumatoid arthritis will be unable to work 10...