by Shelly Malone | Feb 16, 2015 | Autoimmune Disease, Celiac Disease, Food Sensitivities, Inflammation, Microbiome/Gut Issues
Gluten is the new black. It’s televised, evangelized, tweeted, and hashtagged as the cure-all to every weight, health, and cellulite problem anyone has ever had. Right? Well, not exactly. “I’m gluten free!” is likely the most polarizing statement in the health...
by Shelly Malone | Feb 2, 2015 | Food Sensitivities, GMOs/Pesticides, Healthy Fats, Inflammation, Microbiome/Gut Issues, Supplementation
I realize these first few posts have been a bit heavy on theory. Thank you for indulging me. See, I felt the need to light a fire. To take you to school for a minute, if you will. I’m driven to teach why these clean eating, anti-inflammatory principles are so...
by Shelly Malone | Jan 19, 2015 | Autoimmune Disease, Food Sensitivities, Healthy Fats, Inflammation, Microbiome/Gut Issues
Generally, feeling hot and bothered is a good thing – when we’re talking about love and certain areas of our anatomy. But when other parts of your body are going up in flames, it seems to have the opposite effect on us. Both situations can land you between the...
by Shelly Malone | Jan 5, 2015 | Food Sensitivities, GMOs/Pesticides, Healthy Fats, Microbiome/Gut Issues, Weight Loss
Many of you who have found this site are genuinely looking, some more desperately than others, for ways to heal your body. It is actually my sincerest hope that this site (and my services) will show you ways to help you do just that. However, I realize that for many...
by Shelly Malone | Dec 30, 2014 | Autoimmune Disease, Food Sensitivities, GMOs/Pesticides, Healthy Fats, Microbiome/Gut Issues, Weight Loss
I’ve learned (the hard way) that when I find myself up against a brick wall time and again, I’ll get to where I’m going faster if I stop pushing against what won’t move, and instead turn around and find a new path. We’ve all been there, right? Closing our eyes and...